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The Civil Defense Alert System (Eurasian: Systema de Disseminare Defensionis Civilis) is a public alert broadcasting system in Eurasia. It is designed to alert all Eurasian civilians to a public emergency in as short a time as possible. The system is three-tiered, and operates with the interruption of television broadcasts, public warning sirens, and radio broadcasts.

In the event of a national emergency, cable broadcasting will be interrupted and a series of tones designed to draw attention. A message will be displayed, which will be read by computer-generated text-to-voice software. Sirens will also sound to draw attention to the situation. The broadcast will also be played over all radio networks.

The system has only been used twice, once during the Khanate terrorist crisis and once during the invasion of New Zealand. In both instances it functioned as expected.

An example of its usage can be seen in a generated example below, which was used as a test in Paestum, and is translated into English from the original Spanish (note: Empire-wide announcements are only made in Eurasian, and the example appears in Spanish due to its usage as a provincial announcement):

Attention: This is a message from the Paestan Provincial Authorities. Civil unrest has been reported in the province. Residents of the following prefectures are ordered to shelter indoors: Tacita, Bellanum, Sisantum, Tarentia. The Police have been deployed to combat the unrest. Citizens are to avoid contact with rioters. If contact is made, do not attempt to fight. Flee to a safe area and contact the Police. Individuals found outside their homes will be treated as rioters by the police. Keep televisions and radios tuned to this frequency. Long Live the Empire.

Atención: Esto es un mensaje de los Autoridades Provinciales Paestanas. Disturbios civiles han sido reportado en la provincia. Habitantes de las prefecturas siguientes son ordenados a guardarse adentro de sus hogares: Tacita, Bellano, Sisanto, Tarentia. La policia han sido desplegada para combatir los disturbios. Los ciudadanos se deben evitar contacto con los amotinados. Si contacta es hecho no trate de luchar. Huye a una area segura y contacte a la policia. Personas que son encontrados afuera de sus hogares serían tratados como amotinados por la policia. Mantenga los televisiones y radios a esta frecuencia. Viva el imperio.
