Esamir Wikia
Iii cyr granius

An inscription in Julium.

Some of the regional dialects of Eurasian are quite divergent from one another, especially in pronunciation and vocabulary, but less so in grammar.

The Eurasian language is regulated, in whole, by the Imperial Language Institute of Eurasia, which sets forth the general vocabulary for the Eurasian language. There are differences between Urbance Eurasian, the kind commonly spoken in the Laurentine Isle and the areas surrounding it, and Provincial Eurasian, which is spoken in the other parts of the Eurasian Empire.

Prominent differences in dialects of Eurasian include:

  • Shift of /c/ from [k] to [tʃ]
  • Shift of /g/ from [g] to [dʒ]
  • Shift of /v/ from [w] to [v]
  • Shift of /ti/ from [ti] to [tsi]

So-called "traditional Eurasian", variously known as "urbance", "Laurentine", and "patrician" Eurasian, is the standardized variant of Eurasian spoken in the Laurentine Isle and the nearby provinces. Provincial Eurasian, meanwhile, is a variant of Eurasian spoken throughout the provinces of Eurasia, and has been influenced both by regional native pronunciations and through distancing from Julium. With the advent of social media, radio, television, and commerce, parts of Provincial Eurasian have been disappearing. There have been efforts to revive older pronunciations as a point of regiona pride. Students learning Eurasian learn Laurentine Eurasian.

Provincae Linguae

A map of dialects in the Eurasian Empire.

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English translation of dialect map.
